May 03, 2011

Total recall by indigo child Matias de Stefano

I have understood for a long time that I am an indigo child but couldn't really see the whole picture with that. Bless other indigos like Matias de Stefano born with an ability to remember, and to help understand. This video contains an excellent wealth of info from the structure and workings of the universe, the unrecorded history of humankind, indigos to 2012 and what the future has in store for us. 

As for me this video and other info that I have come to contact with today in the usual way of synchronicity have helped me understand everything I have struggled with...

How many of us have always felt like aliens on this planet? I do believe that some of us are souls that have entered this planet for the first time from other systems and dimensions, and the others "are earth natives who have matured spiritually to the point of awakening to their metaphysical identity, thereby making the worldly identity less real, and creating the sense of being a stranger in a strange land." (src article- are you a wanderer)
Anyway I was suffering a lot for this reason- since I can remember as a child I was always very upset to be here, until I remembered that this was my choice. I used to long for "home" all the time, most of my youth was spent on watching the stars and wanting to go home. 
Always feeling as if out of my natural environment, at the height of my spiritual crises I literally had panic attacks constantly, physically developing an inability to breathe in a seemingly foreign air, breathing was a huge mile-stone for me, but suicidal tendencies followed me for several years in this time and I can honestly say- this planet is an extremely difficult place to adapt to.

The other thing I have always felt was a reverse growing process, this is how I see it in any case. My higher chakras were always open and I have always lived through mainly my crown, giving me great ease with dealing with spiritual experiences and growing tools like meditation and connection to the universe but on the downside with my lower chakras that give grounding, not developed, especially the root chakra, (this must be the main problem of integration for all indigos,) always left me un-rooted, disconnected, struggling with alienation. I was literally a tree that had to grow from the tops of the branches down to the roots, and I am still not sure I'll ever grow those roots. I don't think that integration for me is a goal though and it was not my intention. As de Stefano says in the video, "When people start to see that any type of teaching system they try is going to fail somehow, because the indigo have not come to stay on the planet, the indigo vibration changes the context for what's going to stay after."

I have understood why I and other indigos find it scarring to go through formal education and impossible to go for higher education. In my case I have looked at every single field of study and seen the futility and the nonsensical qualities in it with the thought in mind that we are going through a shift and the paradigm is going to change completely soon. There is no use in old educational system, as I have always felt about every single system operating right now, in power right now- it is all corrupt, it is all futile and it doesn't serve the humanity anymore.

So I have found a sort of peace through all of the understandings through this video and I hope others are too. The thing to do now is mostly nothing, though I agree with the speaker when he says, "This color [indigo] is transmutation, and the Souls have come to create in the way that adapts best to each of them. If their context is aggressive or very passive, they will create changes through aggressiveness and by breaking ideas in the family level. They will do it through sexuality, politics, vandalism, art, indifference and tribalism, even through pure and possessive love." I know something of some of these different ways but in short- all that matters at this time to me now is not participating in the system in any way that will feed it further.

I have no doubt in my mind that we have all decided to incarnate at this particular, very interesting, though very difficult time. The only thing we really "must" do in this time, is to be open to it. Be open to ourselves, learn to know who we are, and always keep a positive vision of the world we want to create before our eyes. Love, learn and help learn.

Blessings to you all my fellow travelers!


  1. Another interesting article to look at "Are you a starseed?"

    Finally an answer to the snake phobia... ;)

  2. I used to be good both at memorizing, competing and also being creative at school. I didn't like memorizing though, but I'd do it all just before the exams, which in the UK are only once a year. And I loved complex mathematics, useless except for its own simple beauty! But only because I didn't find it complex! And it was a creative outlet. Now, it's the complexity of mathematics that frustrates me...and it feels like I've been stuck for ten years with no progress. At some point it feels like I stopped learning new things, though I continue to read and learn in studies and life, but not grasping too tightly, i.e. not necessarily remembering, lol. I wish things were as simple as I found them at school, but I guess that's the challenge of life. As an extreme metaphor... Imagine learning how to read and write and then gradually finding yourself in a room full of Chinese people and you don't speak Chinese. Would you learn Chinese, or teach the Chinese to speak English or leave the room?

  3. Don't get me wrong- it wasnt the learning that made school a struggle, I loved learning and was good in everything, loved math myself, loved to go home to a math home-work like a kid looking forward to a puzzle. It was the politics, the segregation, the focus on ego and competition without any care for creating people who love and respect each other for their uniquenesses, and no focus on creating creative, confident in their particular abilities people who know who they are and what they want (we cant do that, we need the sheep!). It was fake from top to bottom and I have had no use for much anything apart from reading good books while there and knowing english.
    Puzzles do stop being fun when we're not in the zone with them anymore. Frustration plagues most people, perhaps it is our expectations that really get us to frustration though. Work as play as Alan Watts says. Bring your joy into it and you cant go wrong. And sometimes frustration is the inner guide saying some sort of change is needed perhaps.
    I have always felt I spoke a different language, starting with my parent, and we speak the same language!!! They speak, I speak, but they might as well be monologues cause there is no common ground. Sometimes its better to leave the room, unless you're tied for life and cant lol.

  4. Check out what David Icke has to say about the education system
    The problem also is that everything that we know is increasing at never-before-known rate and all that I studied for example was a blatant stupidity by the time I finished school cause it takes EONS to get the new knowledge through the bureaucracy of the "education system". So @*%$ that! It just doesnt work at this time of information age, its a dinosaur.

  5. I remember the Watts video about school also. As Stefano said, competition and deadlines are a very effective way of making quick progress and the system uses this. If you're doing things you love, then all is well still I think, so I wouldn't say the whole school approach is broken. But this kind of jumping through hoops for rewards does feed the ego and must be balanced with the more creative "positive" side, so for example doing projects of one's own choice giving kids freedom to learn what they want and transform it into something of their own. It's true also about bureaucracy. And deadness...I learnt Latin, Greek and German at school, but never used them live, so I can't remember a word now. Of the three, I still think the Latin was useful though to better appreciate English:) As for political or economic brainwashing, this was never taught to us at all! Maybe this was effective brainwashing in itself...I've still never read any Marx lol. A teacher once told us conspiratorially that light bulbs would last almost forever, but are designed to break to keep the manufacturers in business. I think the system does try to rush and push us through especially in the last few years and unless we're ahead of the game and know our own purpose this can be disconcerting. I was lucky in that I did...and still do, but lack of progress creates self-doubt. But there are also things we're dying to learn more about when young, but aren't philosophy...or things we don't even know meditation, spiritual stuff. But given how the latter can in itself be brainwashing, the fact it's not taught is a good thing because the system can't be trusted to teach it. So in summary, if school were 50% self or group study and open projects, then it would have been much cooler:) In reality it was about 5%. And kids should have more freedom to drop, switch, or go to classes they want to and get some one to one time with teachers to make this work:)

  6. I just saw the end of this. :) "Be like Trees and bring the Sky back to Earth." like Bruce Lee's Be like Water, my friend. It's funny because at school I wrote a story about the experience of transforming into a tree called The Leaving! And I won English prize for it.

  7. I like that, you should post that story if you still have it! :)
    Its the tree of life concept which is perhaps finally coming into planetary consciousness, look at the movie "Fountain"- what a beautiful illustration! The beginning of the new age of consciousness and hippies- what did they do?- they started hugging trees. The trees have stayed in our collective consciousness for a good reason- the trees (besides being wonderful energy sources) are really the symbol of unconditional love, and eternity- conscious unity with the circle of life, thus being outside time.
    Following the theory of the Reptilian race, which is becoming quite spread, by Icke also- was it the Reptilian race who started the game of duality in the minds of humans as in the biblical fable the snake told Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of knowledge of good and evil? Why this focus on the snakes? Food for thought.

  8. It's not with me. I'm going to have to look for it at the weekend:) I wrote it really quickly unlike usually when I took a lot of time and effort so I was really surprised when my English teacher said how much she liked it. I thought she was pulling my leg. I had friends who would joke I had green-coloured skin and was a tree, so one of them teased that for the essay title we'd been given, The Leaving, I should write about how I turned into a tree...and I thought...why not? Lol, no more teasing after that. I wasn't really aware of spiritual stuff, but it was probably unconsciously quite spiritual. Still not seen The Fountain movie. I think talk of reptilians in itself promotes duality? As Adam and Eve we have to stop making excuses and take responsibility. If there was a snake in Eden, that too must have been part of God's plan. So maybe the story is to remind us of some kind of primal shame that clothes our duality? Only by softening duality can we soften shame, but denying or burying our shame as shamelessness or guilt will only deepen duality? But still duality serves some kind of purpose. If we'd never eaten of the apple of knowledge or desire, then we wouldn't be here... So I think it was a necessary part of our evolution, or something... :)

  9. You are absolutely right about this promoting duality, love and not fear is the way, I was just wondering whether it might have been a manipulation to stop us from evolving, which of course cannot happen so it wasn't worth even wondering about haha! For me it was interesting though cause I saw a life-long thread sort of unwinding. Namely with snakes.
    First time I saw one, when one got into our summer house, I was little, I developed an eye infection straight after which made me delirious with high fever for about a week. I was raving and dreaming about snakes. And this nightmare has followed me all my life. Until recently I had a lucid dream, and instead of like usual running away, stepped towards it while knowing I'm dreaming and transformed the snake into a cute little furry animal instead. And what happens straight after- the Reptilian theory enters my conscious life. Ahh come on! Lol. Whats going on here? I'm really thinking this is all a dream now, and this snake figure doesn't differ from my subconscious dream one at all. We can take charge of our dreams and take the power back to live in unity with all.

  10. The video has been extremely compelling. I haven't finished watching the entire clip (still have about 25 minutes left), but I definitely will return to it. Based on what I saw, and your excellent write, I can say without question that I relate to many of these ideas and concepts as symbolism and metaphor, but it's when I ponder them as real events that the dualistic mind takes over, and I question it all. Certain things I've been able to experience as gnosis, but most of these concepts haven't been on that deeper level. However, on numerous occasions eternal experiences have awakened something in me to these possibilities. When I share with you I sometimes feel it is a message to me from beyond you. In fact, isn't everything?

    Thanks for sharing your passion and pain with us. You are a remarkable person and wonderful friend Hille!

    I'm sure this won't be the last time we 'discuss' these fascinating concepts of all thing unified!

    Much Metta Always!

  11. This really reminded of my estonian witch masseuse's experience of humanities past, which I shared with you. Talking to her was what really opened me up to this stuff, because in the beginning I couldn't get out of that incredulous doubt mind-set with her either, but after, when I felt her, and I knew her sincerity and her ability to sense me on every level energetically, I knew her reality MUST exist, as do all of our experiential realities. This is the proof for me always- listen to the people who talk about this with your heart and with your third eye, not with your limited brain, and if you feel their words embedded in love, then the truth will be there also.
    Of course I am looking forward to much more sharing with you, dear friend, you are an inspiration always! Hugs and much metta!

  12. Coincidence- don't believe in those. Though that was rather funny and bizarre indeed, but in a way not so- as its always been said- we already have all the answers within us. They are coming out of us perhaps slower than would have been to read this first, but at least they seem to be coming out in the right order lol. And if these truths come from within then we are one with them, I prefer this way of learning. :)
