May 24, 2011

My video tribute to Rabindranath Tagore

Excerpts from Gitanjali.

Music- Vision by Hildegard von Bingen, Richard Souther

Photos from Wikimedia Commons

Full-screen for better viewing quality.


  1. She has such a spectacular and pure voice. Very powerful. The images are amazing, but I found it very difficult at times to read the lines against the backdrop. Other than that it was awesome

  2. Thanks, I was actually worried about the legibility, I appreciate that a lot, think I will redo that. X

  3. Hille, if this is your work as a novice I can't wait to see when you're skilled. This was excellent, and I'm not just being kind. It clicks on all levels for me - the text of Tagore, the music of Von Bingen, and your transitions and editing were on point, especially the transition to the first "I AM".

    Very inspiring my soul-friend!


  4. Hi Markus! Have you seen Hille's first video on Pablo Neruda (Song of Despair)? It's outstanding on all levels. It's posted at her site and my site under videos. :)

  5. Beautiful work, Hille! I'm amazed by your talent at such an early stage of making videos. Both the Neruda and Tagore videos are far better than many others I've seen at youtube. Someday you'll have to tell me how you do it. It looks like such a fun, creative endeavor. :)
    Much metta! ♥

  6. Thanks a million Carrie! It is actually kind of addictive, for the moment anyway hehe. And I do recommend it for an endeavor, especially cause you have such a wealth of knowledge about art and poetry. Fun- yes, frustrating- also yes, but what good things aren't that!

  7. Love the music especially. For the moment I'm on a mobile and could actually watch it at the youtube link but can't read the text.

  8. Cool! I could just about read the text full-screen, and it was pretty quick in places, but totally love the music...

    So... are you going to read us something?

    I remember though that of course English isn't your first language, so this is especially unfair of me, hehe, but from your writing one wouldn't know it. And then as I discovered for myself, getting the timing of the audio with the visuals correct is really hard... I just did verses 1-16 of the Dao in haiku form. At least that way, it's not too overwhelming. I'd love to hear your feedback... Enjoy!

  9. I loved the way you read it, well done! Who knows, I might try that one day myself. As for english not being my first language- I feel like I'm in the no mans land, forgetting my language, never perfect in english, travelling, travelling, oh well, to each their own. :) Enjoyed your video a lot.

  10. I'm sure you'd be great! And thanks for the encouragement...

    The Dao has a fractal nature, so in a way just doing verses 1-16 captures the spirit of the whole, and gives a better focus. Another weekend, I hope to do verses 17-25 which I think also forms a whole within the whole.

    Where have you been since your travels with Lii in Asia when I was following your wonderful updates?

  11. Looking forward to hearing the second part.
    Haven't really been doing that much after, Japan last autumn and Barcelona few months back. Trying to save for the next big one- S-America, but its slower now cause of the Rrrrrrrrrrecession haha.

  12. Love your initiative... I've never travelled "properly", only organized trips. I'm still looking forward to following in your footsteps one day! And good luck with dodging the "austerity"-brigade.
