I find more and more that the only suffering that exists is only our resistance to suffering. We prefer some experiences to other experiences and go into the duality of yes/no, unpleasant/pleasant. We resist Darkness with our minds, hearts and bodies and only want the Light.
In Buddhism there are said to be 4 types of people:
-those running from darkness to darkness
-those running from darkness to light
-those running from light to darkness
-and those running from light to light.
When I heard this I made a promise to myself to be running from darkness to light. But I have realised now that this is not completely the true way of seeing. In truth there is no darkness, but only our dislike of darkness. What is the Light that we aspire towards?- Love. It is not a love for only the "good" and the "wholesome", it is a love for everything, without exception. It is a love for darkness as well.-those running from darkness to light
-those running from light to darkness
-and those running from light to light.
Living in Ireland rain is ones almost constant companion. I used to like the rain until I moved here, here rain became an obstacle to seeing the sun, it became ever-so-tedious in its persistence. It's not only the rain itself, but the people around who only talk about the rain. You talk about the rain with your shop-keeper, neighbour, boss, taxi-driver, friends. In Ireland you end up greeting random strangers with a remark about the rain. Rain, rain, rain, rain, rain. In the end it wasn't only raining in the outside, it was raining in the inside of myself and all the other people in this little green island. Why- because I was resisting the rain. But as the Borg so wisely say in Star-Trek, "Resistance is futile." True words indeed.
The simple way to stop resisting is to start loving. There is much one can love about the rain. You can love the feeling of purification that it gives you. You can let it nourish you as if you were a flower. You can love the beauty of the sunbeams reflecting in the rain in colours of the rainbow (yes the sun also shines in Ireland but its common for it to still rain at the same time :)). You can love the funny squeaky sound your shoes make when they're filled with water. You can love jumping over puddles and you can play in the rain like a child. And once you have fallen in love with rain, you will never mind anymore when it happens.
It is exactly the same with emotions. Yesterday my heart was going on a roller-coaster. I had some wonderful news, and was overflowing with happiness. And then I had some difficulty, which made me suffer. So I decided to embrace my suffering. At first my heart was beating wildly and it caused me hurt. But when I was in the state of love for this hurt the pain disappeared. My breath was still very rapid and my heart was pounding. But there was no polarity or quality to the breath and heart-beat, they simply were as they were. And I found it so miraculous that my heart could pound so fast- what a wonder your own heart is. And then I wasn’t just listening to the wonder of it, I was enjoying it. The pace hadn’t changed all this while, but everything had changed. I had fallen in love with my heart, whatever it felt and did. This is the alchemy of emotions, of negativity. If you love yourself fully, with everything, in every single state, then there is no such thing as negativity or suffering. Suffering is merely the lack of love that you have for yourself.
Take the time to get to know your suffering. Dive into it, with no reservations. Look at it, accept it, embrace it, and love it. At the end of the day its all you, it is all the Universe. Everything that you are, everything that you feel, in every moment, deserves to be loved by you. It may be anger, it may be hurt, it may be desire, disappointment. Whatever it is, everything is worth love- why? Because it is life, because it is divine, because it is a miracle.
We often tend to forget that life is a wonder, it is always, always a gift. Yes- life is suffering, but even suffering is a gift. Everything is a miracle to be fallen in love with.
Here is an excellent talk by Eckhart Tolle on the power of Yes to life
ReplyDeleteA goal of Buddhism is to release oneself from attachments, as the things we are attached to cause us suffering in their absence.
I have always assumed (but just an assumption) that enlightened beings have infinite love as they are one with the infinite (a yogic / Brahman assumption of the internal infinite 'Atman' within each of us - a teaching that the Buddha rebelled against in his philosophy).
I also assumed (but not necessarily agreed with) that the Buddha taught that attachment to love is still an attachment that causes suffering, because when the object of love is removed (for whatever reason), and it will be removed (because of the transitory nature of the existence of all things), suffering will occur.
Without (me) making any kind of judgement in any way about yourself, your beliefs, wisdom or your practices, but taking into account what i have been saying, I would like to ask whether you are attached to the emotion 'love' , and if so, why you don't think that an attachment to love (even love of suffering or darkness) is against the Buddhist meditation principle of 'equanimity of mind'?
I don't agree with everything in Buddhist teachings (or I would have ordained), and I am curious about your opinion on this.
I have also heard said that every emotion that you can't control is an addiction (physiologically). Any opinion?
Different types of love perhaps. What I mean here is the unconditional love that is not based on attachment. I do love life, and everything in it, I revere it, I am in wonder of it, in utter awe of everything that exists. But I know that its temporary. You can love everything that rises in the Now, with no problem with the fact that it will disappear soon. Like Tagore says- "And because I love this life I know I will love death too." I feel mostly that I love the source of everything, and that source is constant in all its apparent changes. And for me this kind of love is really in no way a suffering, I don't crave it, I don't go looking for it, but when its there then it makes me in unison with the miracle of life, and this is an experience I don't question, it just feels so right.
ReplyDeleteAnyway this is very hard to explain. Thanks for the question though. I have a question for you too- are you perhaps a little attached towards Buddhist concepts such as attachment and suffering?
I revere Buddhism very much but at the same time I am more of a mystic myself, but I don't really like these labels, classifications and concepts. The same with the notion of control. Why the need to control things- do we not have faith in life? I trust life completely, as I trust everything that is thrown my way, including emotions in myself, as a way to learn more. There is much to learn. Mainly letting go of intellectualising, this is my opinion only.
Sorry for not giving you a very good reply that your question deserves.
Thanks Fabian, and I wish you all the best. Metta!
You had me laughing about the rain. Us Brits too have nothing else to talk about.
ReplyDeleteThat was a profound experience you recounted about embracing the experience.
I feel very lucky to have met you, Hille. I think it was a miracle.
I know very little about Buddhism as a religion, but like you I know that there is much wisdom in the Buddhist teachings which I would love to learn about. (Before then forgetting it ;-) )
Edit: I'm going to come back to the video later...
Thanks neighbour :), very glad to have met you as well. At least you brits seem to have scorching summers at times as well! :)
ReplyDeleteI commented on the BT site, but had to stop by to say thank you for this lesson and the video!
ReplyDeleteStay blessed always!
Much Metta!
Cool video!
ReplyDeleteI had an insight on this...
See, often we are somewhere and want to be somewhere else.
So maybe we should just say "yes" to the somewhere else as if we are already there, and maybe that's what "The Secret" and all that stuff is about at heart.
And any decision, must always be a decision that is, not a decision that we will have done or got somewhere, but that we will either do this or that particular thing to help us on our way, or the visualization that we are already there.
I'm wondering about the ego. Shouldn't we not say
No No No to the naughty ego
and to distractions
that lead us astray?
And in doing so, we say Yes to something deeper, the path that we are on...?
And this "saying yes to everything there is" also reminded me of the Nasruddin story of two people arguing...looking for it on google, I came across this cool blog, very much in the same vein as yours
Yes there SEEMS TO BE the dichotomy between the manifestation and the now. But all things already exist in the Now, you just have to be open for it. There is nothing that you don't have now, that you lack now, at least that is the way I see it. So using things like the Secret, which I do sometimes, just places you in that state of acceptance of all the possibilities that already exist.
ReplyDeleteThere isn't really a No, it makes no sense. How can you say No to that which is there, it is there- say Hi and make friends with it. That's what I am trying to do in any case.
Good luck! Once or twice I've had a sense of this, but then "forgotten" it again. Must go back and re-read the Secret because it did strike a chord when I first read it.
ReplyDeleteAnd incidentally, I just realized that my choice of username has "No" written all over it, so I'm beginning to think that was a bit of a mistake, lol.
ReplyDeleteYes. if something is right then it must mean that the opposite is right too. So as much as I can I try not to think in terms of right and wrong. Thanks non-erotic!
ReplyDeleteSomething about that idea doesn't sit well with me.
ReplyDeleteYes, there is right and wrong, we can make mistakes, but you mean something different which I can't put my finger on.
It reminds me of the saying "see no evil, hear no evil, speak no evil" or however it goes. I don't understand it exactly, but maybe it's that in non-duality, that which is evil does not arise.
But should it arise it must surely be confronted.
I love this blog.
ReplyDeleteOn the subject of rain, I didn't know you Irish had rainy summers, but in that case we're definitely having an Irish summer over here this year. It's been monsoon season, raining almost every day for the last six weeks, completely pouring yesterday, though someone I know who's parents are from India and who visited last summer assured me that monsoon was at least four times heavier.
LOL. I have seen the indian monsoon and it POURS but only for a set amount of hours early in the day and then it stops. This is more like living inside a cloud perpetually. Anyway thanks for the comment and hope you will get some much needed sun energy too this year! Metta!
ReplyDeleteLiving in a cloud... LOL