April 26, 2012

"The vagabond is rapping at your door"- Love IS

Love comes and love goes. Well that's not exactly right. Attachment comes and goes. At least in my case. Love comes and love stays. But lasting physical togetherness has never been necessary in my case, so all through my life I have been a serial monogamist, and at this moment I am at the end-stage of another beautiful lesson through a perfect mirror.
I have been blessed with many loves in my life, and I will continue to love each of my temporary companions for a life-time. I've often wondered how one measly heart can hold so many different loves and even feared that maybe one day this capacity will run out, how many rooms does one heart have to rent out to all the travelers of love?! What a tireless builder is love to have so much energy to keep on building relationships... It is born. It dies. It is BORN! It DIES!!
And then it is born again. And it is perfect for that time again. It seems there is no limit to how many times our heart can love.
Many won't understand. Aren't we taught, wasn't I taught- to find a life-time companion, that one and only?
But then I never followed anything.
Perhaps I was born a rolling stone.
Perhaps I have sold my soul to freedom. No- that is for sure.
I have never minded that, I have rather felt the luckiest person to have experienced so much love and loss and growing and withering, and passion- that too.
In my experience there is never a more painful experience than that of true passion being torn away from you, its a violent ripping apart that has no equivalent. But with each of these experiences of unbelievable passion I have known from hindsight that the ripping apart was the best thing that could have happened- passion comes without lessons other than that of impermanence, it isn't a contract of souls to enlighten each other in specific moments in our path, there is only one goal to passion- and its the purification through its death.
And then there are those partings, like this one- which are more peaceful and more loving than the time you spent together. When two people have actually come to a realisation about their mutual influence, when the message has been shared and understood and both sides are grateful and are simply moving on.
Its strange, but I have come to love ALL parts of love, the coming together and the falling apart. The yin and the yang, the ever-turning wheel and the multitude of teachers on the way..
Love is an endless rainbow.
Love is an ever-filling spring.
Love is.


  1. I have no idea why I linked this song, nothing in the lyrics relates to the post hehe. Its a background feeling of Dylan that keeps speaking to me, his fellow traveler soul, a sense of appreciation for the open road and instability and love for impermanence that calls me back to him again and again.

  2. Ahh, beautiful blog. But when you are re-born, and start anew, do please always keep in touch... (((((Hille)))))

    Friendship without attachment!

  3. It just occurred to me afterwards you weren't talking about leaving your connections on Multiply, but a particular relationship. Oops. You are much loved.

  4. Beautifully said Hille. Very poetic and heartfelt. I hung onto every word.

  5. Everyone is looking for that playmate that completes us.

  6. Beautiful blog, Hille. You dare to live your life and fulfill your passions. That can't be said of too many people.


  7. PS. I love "Baby Blue." One of my favorites. :)

  8. Thanks okei! I am not leaving multiply :), but if I do later on in this year, I'll be sure to try to keep in touch anyway! Xx

  9. Thank you Roddy!
    I don't know if we are all looking for that, lovely as the idea seems, I think we are perfectly complete without any assistance. But playmates, and perfect mirrors are making us grow oh how much faster and making life very interesting indeed. :)

  10. (((♥))) Carrie! Thank you.
    I love Dylan, especially when I'm traveling or if freedom is calling me in any aspect of life.
    Much metta like always!

  11. Once in love always IN love! I feel and understanding your words and heart here Hille. BIG love (((Hugs))) for this, and excellent choice of music. There is nothing closer to a new beginning than when something is 'all over'.

    Metta Blessings!

  12. I do hope we keep in touch, and you continue to share your writing.

    I'm back from an 8-week break from Multiply (and all social networks) which I said I would take in my last blog before I left which I'm not sure if you saw... I hoped to breathe some inspiration into my failing work. It didn't really work, but it's good to change things up.

  13. Lovely to see you back okei! I understand perfectly, been on a sort of a break from it myself. Much metta!
