July 21, 2011

The perfect day, the Red Book and the personal joys of each... a sort of a ramble...

And then comes the perfect day.
After months of dulled-down senses, dissatisfaction- that silent beast who refuses to reveal its reasons at times, social anxiety and longing for solitude, for total silence, for a return to myself- here I am.
I am here in the northern wilderness of Ireland, a county called Donegal- a meandering landscape of cliffs, hills, lakes, hills and cliffs. I have a few days off only so I am determined in the first half to be as alone as I possibly can, with a sort of desperation I hide myself away from social contact, when I'm at the dining places I carry the "Red Book" with me everywhere and I bury my nose into it from the start as a signal- I am alone cause I want to, I am busy, do not disturb. A needy solitude, there is nothing wholesome or joyful in such a state. 
Even though finishing this book was indeed important for me, I knew that I had for a long time battled with the same experiences, same divine madness if you want to use Jung's words- the same obstacles, Hells and Heavens and for some years the stand-still that comes from a unification of those Hells and Heavens. One would think that after such a feat and struggle all would be bright as diamonds, when good becomes the same as evil that there would be lasting peace but life is not static, or it wouldn't be life and any expectation along these lines brings misery as most of the worlds wise ones keep teaching. The experience of non-duality of life does bring peace but in a way its like a dead peace in the beginning. When life and death have become one, it does not feel in fact that necessary to live, or to die for that matter. Either of them is fine. This is not enough- much more is needed. Jung went to learn magic in the "Red Book" at such a phase, I do concur- this is the time to find one's personal magic, its different for each and every one of us, the recipe that keeps the spark going.
And then the desperation for solitude dissolved into a free and open solitude which holds back from nothing and nowhere and I have the 100 % perfect day. A day in the beauty of nature, in awe of every sight, every meadow, every stunning cliff and pristine beach, friendly villagers, playing with a pair of the most affectionate village dogs- totally happy, totally free, totally alone in the being one with everything- that's the wholesome joy of "solitude". Finishing off with a perfect dinner at an italian restaurant, all the needs met, and more, and now reading the easy going wonderful book called "Eat Pray Love" (not in opposition with my serious work on the Red Book whatsoever). The secret of life in three words. My perfect day in nature was at once the love and prayer part and the pleasure part I am coincidentally finding in a perfect tiramisu at the same time as the main fictional character is eating just the same in Rome- what a great sign that I am on the same wave as the Universe. I have in my bag the Red Book with the most brilliant to-depth analysis and movingly sincere description of ones true struggle of the soul and all its depths, and on my table open a popular easy-to-read author who asks me in the words of Rumi- what are the 3 most important things that you want to have in your life? And I see I am flowing along just as necessary, half in seriousness, half in jest, there is no oppositions in these totally different teachers at this very moment.
I have entered the part of magic, this is what is needed after the dissolution of opposites. There is nothing necessary anymore, now it is about your heart and your hearts desire. 
(What are your soul's three essential desires?)
For me I would perhaps say- travel, beauty, and freedom.
I won't say love cause love is not something to ask for I feel, or to get or to have. Love is what comes naturally from living your life as you are made to live it, according to your own path and your own heart. Love is the gift that follows your being true to yourself. If you don't abandon yourself, neither will love leave your side.
Gilbert writes that Rumi said- if one of those three things are in contradiction with another, you will never have an easy joyful experience.
I can stress also- bravery is needed. Sometimes dissatisfaction creeps up the heart. For me it comes when I am too long in one place, when I am confusing my need for insecurity for the life of security, it is easy to do so. The world revolves around family, security, and it is easy to begin to think the thoughts of others cause aren't our minds all inter-twined? 
Dissolve the polarities, visit gladly the depths of Hell and dissolve the illusion of the concept of Heaven as well as all concepts. But that is not enough- know what you need personally and what you can't be happy without and have courage to never compromise. It really does only harm to be unselfish in this way- to give up your ideals and desires, to adjust and conform for the sake of others, our magic is personal and yes it may be selfish at times to follow, but perhaps that's why the magician in the Red Book says- you must give up solace if you want to learn the way of Magic. 
My perfect day ends with the perfect ending to the perfect book. The final lines of the Red Book say- "This is the way". Go, fly AND fall totally, have world-altering adventures in dreams and in life, let them be as blissful and as excruciating as they come, be not afraid of anything, go divinely mad to your very limits of experience, follow totally everything that comes up in your consciousness- and that will be the way, and the only way.


  1. Hille, This is an absolutely beautiful description of a perfect day. I am experiencing every moment through your glowing words. You are a very talented writer. Have you tried to get published?
    Thanks for sharing your deeply personal feelings on solitude, beauty, good and evil, freedom, Carl Jung and travel. Another exceptional treasure. :) ♥

    Much Metta!

  2. Thank you Carrie from the depths of my heart. I have published my writing here and now haha, and as my astrologer said to me prophetically long ago when I asked if I will be a writer- it is something that will bring me personal joy, but no more, I understand that, getting paid is not necessary- I am still a writer, it is something I do now and then, as do most of us bloggers :) Everybody is an artist, a writer, with this new freedom of expression its even more encouraged :) Express yourself as Madonna says, and all will be perfect, a calling doesn't mean you have to live from it :)
    But to prompt you and just cause I'm curious I would love to hear what are your 3 most important things you want to have in your life? :)

  3. Well, it's getting late, Hille and I change my mind quite frequently during the course of a day, but at this moment the 3 most important things I want to have in my life are: love, freedom and courage.

    Thanks for asking. :)

  4. That's beautiful, may your life be blessed with these, as well as lucid dreams at this time of day. :)

  5. Beautiful! Did you write this today? I would say Freedom three times...physical freedom sport travel, freedom of expression an avenue and an inspiration for directing one's passion to some purpose especially sharing with another and friendship, and spiritual freedom not to be burdened by the previous freedoms nor by life's troubles.

  6. No, got back yesterday, but shared that in the form it was written.
    I concur three times, as a passionate lover of freedom your reply was spot on for me also. "spiritual freedom not to be burdened by the previous freedoms nor by life's troubles"- perfectly put- thats so important isn't it. Its the freedom to be who you are moment by moment, not to get caught up by who we were yesterday, what we believed yesterday, but also- not to be in cage of wanting rewards only, there will be backlashes, always, if you rise, you fall, some fall a little, some fall all the way back but to have the freedom to know its ok and to cherish all of ones own experiences!

  7. As always, excellence abounds from your pen. Wonderful write!

    I do love you 3 things, as each would be on my short list of life's essentials. I indirectly included freedom and beauty on my list, via Carrie's post about this blog, by mentioning multi-level awareness of the love in and around me, and sustained health on all levels. Freedom starts in the mind I think, so that relates to health on all levels. The awareness of the love in and around me opens the door to beauty.

    I love this post!

  8. Hi Hille, I posted the link to your wonderful blog at my site: http://aspara121.multiply.com/journal/item/579/What_Are_Your_Hearts_Desires_Carries_Site

    I also asked the question you posed in your essay about the "the 3 most important things in life."

    I'm looking forward to hearing people's answers. :)

    Much Metta!
