I am.
This is the answer that I was always looking for.
My question was always wrong. Instead of asking- who am I? I should have been asking- am I? For I am, always was and never saw that this was the magic that I was missing. The simple being answers all the questions, if we surrender to it, without analysing, without wishing for anything different. If we are in the state of "I am" then we suddenly realise that there is not a single thing at all that we wish to change.
The meaning and beauty are everywhere in the now. Now in the rain, now in the sun-shine, now in a lovers embrace, now in an argument with a boss. As long as it is now, at this moment, cause that is the only possible time and place to feel that "I am", then it is filled with the divine, with the essence of being human, living in this world- truthful, at one with life and filled with joy.
So true Hillie, thanks for sharing it and reminding us!! :)