My faith in modern medicine has seen countless and countless heavy hurtful hits. Coming from a background of studying and in fact being passionate about mainstream science, namely genetics, for the purpose of healing, I have since then gone through a long journey of ups and downs, ending up on the one side free of opinions of the mainstream medicinal "facts" we were taught which actually ended up being only theories of the time, but also sometimes quite upset about the possible/probable lies that are being not only propagated, but sustained long after there is wide-spread scientific disagreement. For example for about 25 years much of the scientific world and many brilliant respectable figures have been in doubt or in outright refusal over the issue of HIV causing AIDS and in fact over such a virus existing in the first place as it has never been shown, separated or proven. The same lack of proof goes for the existence of rabies, questions like whether blood transfusions are actually harmful and causing death, the adverse effects of vaccines etc etc. The repercussions of the adversaries being right, even as a possibility only- is criminal, the death toll huge, suicides tragic.
The power of dogma in science is preposterous, it seems as soon as a claim is made and an opinion propagated- scientists are ashamed to go back on it regardless even of their own better judgement. Not even that but contrary to the premise (and promise) of science- anything contradictory is never even heard, discussed or tested. (I always have an image of an ostrich with its head buried under the sand with this, praying heartfully- it's not there, it doesn't exist, if I can't see it, it must mean I'm safe.)
"Errors of this kind occur whenever technology makes available for general use a new experimental procedure, which propels a whole army of researchers into mass producing experimental data, heedless of what the biological significance, if any, of their work might be. Even worse, is the habit of making countless ad hoc adjustments to the original theory, which completely distort the original hypothesis. Correct science demands that there should be a radical re-think when this happens. If there isn't, as in this case, a fundamentally flawed concept goes haywire ending in disaster."
S. Lanka "Rethinking HIV"
Perfect fitting quote also by Goethe,
"It is a dire example of how a distinguished scholar who has contributed much to the advancement of science, now impedes further progress by his stubborn adherence to a dogma of his own creation. If he did not feel himself obliged to repeat things, that are untrue just because they were once said, they would have become quite different people."
Any of the scientists resisting the old dogma and advocating new facts are instantly completely discredited, usually lose their jobs and have to work in another hostile world of holistic/alternative science, which is full of charlatans as much as truth-seekers, some of those genuine aware scientists who have simply been ostracized, who spit out jewels; and some of that other breed dealing with greedy lies cause they care just for profit. No wonder the alternative side is not respected.
The same sad fate befell a german scientist Ryke Geerd Hamer. He was ridiculed, his livelihood was taken away, he was thrown in jail, he ended up in exile. Yet his theories were never discredited, only proven. His only fault- the utter dogmatism of traditional medicine, afraid for their lives and livelihoods. Read bio here.
"I finally had to ask myself whether our understanding and our concept of disease had not
been entirely wrong because of our ignorance of the biological
purpose of disease."
Yet thanks to his wonderful work there's a whole new paradigm in medicine emerging now in Europe, called German New Medicine in Germany, Sacred Medicine (la Medicina Sagrada) in Spain and Meta Medicine everywhere else and my faith in the future of medicine has been restored. This is not new knowledge. The ancients knew that everything was inter-connected, that the source of "illness" was first in the psyche and only later in the body, and if we want to know the cause of any disease, to understand it and heal it truly- we have to go back to the psyche. What dr. Hamer did was actually prove through scientific methods, through scanning the middle-man between the mind and the body ie the brain that this connection exists.
Meta medicine gives not only the power of healing but also the responsibility of healing to one person and one person only- YOU. But it is an entirely positive consciousness and wisdom, cause we also understand that the body is a self-healing mechanism and the earth itself, including the so-far-considered-harmful organisms such as bacteria are actually there to help us, we have all the support system we will ever need.
A simply wonderful source of information on meta medicine here
I thoroughly recommend this video for self-education on the question- what is actually disease