"Rather than love, than money, than fame-
give me truth."
Henry David Thoreau
Decided to do a small collection of some of the documentaries that have affected me in a profound way in recent years. Some of these movies enraged me, disgusted me, made me cry, but for me truth at this evolutionary stage of human consciousness is not only desirable, but necessary. Anger is there for a good reason and has a powerful, transformative energy behind it, which can help us free ourselves, become healthy and self-sufficient, and most of all- responsible and socially conscious beings. These films only scratch the surface of course and I already know I will forget to mention some, comments as for the omissions very welcome!


Examines the role of the bottled water industry and its effects on our health, climate change, pollution, and our reliance on oil. The documentary is well structured and presents an overwhelming amount of evidence which will change the way anyone thinks about bottled and municipal water.
Both the “manufacture” of the water itself, and also where the bottles come from, where they go after use and how they influence our lives while they’re with us. The willful absence of major companies such as Coke, Pepsi and Nestle is extremely telling in light of all the material presented.
One can only hope that the small voice of this film will be heard over the huge booming commercial machine that these and other companies represent in the popular media. If you haven’t seen this movie, simply watch it. It’s that good and the information is something everyone should know.

With nutritionally-depleted foods, chemical additives and our tendency to rely upon pharmaceutical drugs to treat what's wrong with our malnourished bodies, it's no wonder that modern society is getting sicker. Food Matters sets about uncovering the trillion dollar worldwide 'sickness industry' and gives people some scientifically verifiable solutions for overcoming illness naturally.
"With access to better information people invariably
make better choices for their health..."

Food, Inc. lifts the veil on our nation's food industry, exposing how our nation's food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the
livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. Food, Inc. reveals surprising and often shocking truths about what we eat, how it's produced and who we have become as a nation.
livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. Food, Inc. reveals surprising and often shocking truths about what we eat, how it's produced and who we have become as a nation.

EARTHLINGS is a feature length documentary about humanity’s absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research) but also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called “non-human providers.”

How much outrage can a single multinational corporation inspire? How much damage can they inflict? The breathtaking new film, The World According to Monsanto, features a company that sets the new standard. From Iowa to Paraguay, from England to India, Monsanto is uprooting our food supply and replacing it with their patented genetically engineered creations. And along the way, farmers, communities, and nature become collateral damage.
The Gazette says the movie “will freeze the blood in your veins.” The Hour says it’s a “horrifying enough picture” to warrant “fury.” But most importantly, this critical film opens our eyes just in time.

AIDS, Inc. is a film about the multi-billion dollar AIDS industry, and how it profits from continuing fears and misconceptions about the disease. While AIDS grabs the headlines and raises billions of dollars with celebrity endorsements and billionaire endowments, we are no closer to finding a cure than when the scourge first appeared 30 years ago.
Could it be that after so many years of research, and so much money being spent, that the entire orthodox medical establishment has been wrong about AIDS, or even worse, has sought to profit on a system that it knew was flawed from the beginning? Doctor Robert Gallo who discovered the HIV virus said that there is no legitimate dissent when it comes to AIDS.
But there are more than 5,000 physicians, microbiologists, journalists and activists who disagree and say that we have been misled about the real causes of AIDS and the nature of its treatment. The mainstream media has chosen not to provide an outlet for their opinions.
In this important film, documentary filmmaker and health expert Gary Null, traveled to more than 30 countries over an eight year period to seek them out and get their interviews. This is the first film on AIDS that brings the most compelling of their arguments together in one place. Dr. Null blows the lid off the wealthy AIDS industry and shows how greed and corruption have prevented any real progress in fighting the epidemic or its underlying causes.

So when you begin to think that there's this controlling elite, this controlling hand behind the curtains leading the planet to destruction. When you think the end is near, the apocalypse, Armageddon, and when you think we as a species are doomed, it is not they, it is you that brought this about, and for a very good reason. You are evolving. Stop blaming everybody and everything else. Quit panicking about global tyranny and natural disaster and pay attention, because the world is telling you something; it's tell you exactly what is wrong with you and how to fix it.

Startling and powerful, Control Room is a documentary about the Arab television network Al-Jazeera's coverage of the U.S.-led Iraqi war, and conflicts that arose in managed perceptions of truth between that news media outlet and the American military. Egyptian-American filmmaker Jehane Noujaim (Startup.com) catches the frantic action at Al-Jazeera headquarters as President Bush stipulates his 48-hour, get-out-of-town warning to Saddam Hussein and sons, soon followed by the network's shocking footage of Iraqi civilians terrorized and killed by invading U.S. troops. Al-Jazeera's determination to show images and report details outside the Pentagon's carefully controlled information flow draws the wrath of American officials, who accuse it of being an al-Qaida propagandist. (The killing of an Al-Jazeera reporter in what appears to be a deliberately targeted air strike is horrifying.) Most fascinating is the way Control Room allows well-meaning, Western-educated, pro-democratic Arabs an opportunity to express views on Iraq as they see it--in an international context, and in a way most Americans never hear about. --Tom Keogh
I don't know how to thank you enough for this list of documentaries Hille and the links to You tube to watch them. This is so awesome. I will watch them all. Hugs Michael
ReplyDeleteMy pleasure Michael. Some of these documentaries were shared to me online and this particular aspect of the age of internet-connection is very uplifting for me- part of what its all about! On the way to global consciousness and peace! Hugs!
ReplyDeleteI just watched the Control Room from start to finish. A fascinating documentary. Not really a surprise to be honest. So much has been written in the aftermath of this war about the manipulation of the media during the lead up and carrying out of this war. The truly sad part is that few people actually care that they were manipulated in North America. They truly don't. Ignorance is bliss is a truly universal concept in the modern world it seems. Great documentary Hille. Once again thank you for sharing them with us. Hugs Michael
ReplyDeleteI agree, Michael. I guess it was a mainly a fascinating portrayal of the difficulties of media and I loved the way that both sides were shown as a comparison, quite rare in real main news-channels, cause indeed- the truth is in the middle. The most harrowing and moving thing in it for me was the phone call of the wife of the journalist who had been blown up- please just speak the truth! Hugs!
ReplyDeleteI guess the hard part is that documetaries are a steady staple in North American and in the last twenty years documentaries are much more available and yet it hasn't made a dent in North American thinking it seems. There is still very an us against them mentality that persists in North America.
ReplyDeleteI don't know why but I am at once an eternal cynic and an eternal optimist, even I don't understand it haha. I do believe though that this process is a slow one, and the people who are conscious and aware are of course impatient to a change once they know how much they are lied to, I know I am! But its happening nevertheless. So there is what- a few handfuls of people in US who are ruling, 20 % the educated intellectual people (some of those so much more out-spoken in recent years), 80% of the non-caring work-force, at least those were the estimates I heard somewhere recently, but how can we know? The truth is that the ruling minuscule part can be brought down by a CAPABLE majority once they are confident enough, no? There will always be people who are on different evolutionary step, but I guess I do believe in a critical amount of people making a difference at some stage. By and large one of the proofs for me- the growth in the amount of information that has come out in recent years about all these things is for me staggering and feeding the optimist in me greatly! :)
ReplyDeleteI understand what you are saying, but we just went through an election here in Canada where it was more than obvious that the man in power was and is still corrupt, but he won a majority when his previous government was minority. I do agree with the whole idea that people are all at different evolutionary steps. I agree with that completely, but I don't see society, at least North American society getting anywhere near a critical mass on change. I know that a lot of spiritual leaders are talking about how we are so close to a tipping point in terms of change, but I tend to agree with Ken Wilber and his estimate that fewer than five per cent of the world's population are at the upper levels of spirituality. That's not enough to tip the balance for change and more importantly, of those five per cent, few of them want to even get involved in the processes as the exist, which literally give the powers that be a full run of the madhouse. All of which sounds very cynical on my part I am sure, but I do hold out hope that some day we will move forward. In the meantime, I do what I can on a personal level to make the world a better place. It's all that we can do at this point. Hugs Michael
ReplyDeleteAnd I do completely see where you are coming from also. Individual change first, but after come other hurdles- thinking oneself better, spiritual pride, thus only relating to the ones that are on "our level". I am trying mainly to conquer this in me. Most of my friends don't care about anything and sometimes I feel very alienated, but segregation is the worst enemy at this stage, even if I change a single mind even slightly by staying true to my reality always and if many people are doing that... Who knows!
You are so right, there is always the need to continue to try and change minds. Which is partly why we are having this discussion. Hopefully, that other's might actually take an interest and join in. It's also why it is so important to post these documentaries. There is incredible and important information in them. At the end of the day, you do what you can and you go to bed knowing that you tried your best today to make the world a better more humane place. Afterall it took Nelson Mandela over twenty years in prison on Robben Island before he led the forces that brought apartheid in South Africa to its knees.
ReplyDeleteAmen to that!
ReplyDeleteBlessings and thanks for your great feed-back, Michael!
You're welcome Hille. Thanks for the lively discussion. I enjoyed it. It was nice to give the brain a bit of a workout on these issues. Blessings Hille. May the light of the Universe shine down its blessings and light upon you. Hugs Michael
ReplyDeleteExcellent Hile! I've seen a few and I'm interested in viewing a couple more, so thanks for the post.
ReplyDeleteYou did REAL good with this one!
Wow!!! On a day when I've had to some truly disorienting insights along comes Kymatica to complete what has been a truly amazing day. I'll have to watch Kymatica several times to completely process all that was said and put forward during this brilliant documentary, but there was so much information in this documentary that resonated consciously and subconsciously with my spiritual path that I found myself literally nodding my head, smiling, and at times rippling with energy. Once again thank you so much for posting these documentaries. I definitely had arrived at the time where Kymatica was an important part of my own personal spiritual path. Hugs and Blessings to you Hille.
ReplyDeleteI love it when that happens! I used to have a practice of opening a book on a random page or going for a movie for no reason- and it was always the perfect message for you at that particular point, have to take that up again! So happy for you cause obviously you are at that time of being in tune with the wave of yourself and life- hope you keep riding it! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd also strange cause for me, and strangely for the people around me too today "coincidentally" it was a bad energy day- unexplainable dizziness, drowsiness, nausea- I do believe that something is happening in different parts of the world as far as the energy is concerned, perhaps magnetics, who knows! Anyway- that's beside the point- the director of Kymatica is a developed soul, Ben Stewart, I like him a lot- he has made very valid points about many things- for example- why is it that one of the biggest genocide of the world- the massacre of american indians is rarely if not never talked about, very true!
Funny you should talk about a bad energy day. I was having really problems tonight with disorientation. I haven't had it for awhile, but today was such wild day for me and I pushed through some stuff today that led into new territory and insights. I am also quite used to the universe finding interesting ways of delivering information and material into my hands. I always believe that the universe is listening, thus I am always paying attention in a whole bunch of different ways.
ReplyDeleteIndeed- I love the thought that everything that comes your way is a message to you from the universe! Glad that you pushed through the volatile energy, thats excellent. It takes a lot of rootedness I feel.
ReplyDeleteWill take inspiration from you and get myself more to that state- tomorrow- yoga day! :)
Thanks! Hugs!
PS. I thought again about the day and I have to take back the statement- "bad" energy day. Just as there can't be a bad meditation day I know energy can never be bad, just our response, and that is our own responsibility and can be managed. Thanks again :)
ReplyDeleteYes, like so many things we've been trained to have a good and bad, a light and dark, and a right or wrong choice, with one choice being positive and one being negative and making our negative choice the one we want to get rid of. It is a part of our basic programming as children. We make choices that please first our parents, then our friends, then society, and finally ourselves. We end up splitting off half of our whole just to make choices. Personally, I think it takes a long time to get away from this programming to start looking at our supposed negative choices as having value. It's a bit like trying to encorporate our shadow sides into our psyche. It often has some really brutish almost nightmarish qualities to it until you start doing it on a regular basis.
ReplyDeleteYou know before I had this disorientation, I had sat down to read some material by Mother Teresa, whom worked with the poor in Calcutta. I have great respect for her and her work, but within the first pages I was stunned to find out that she really considered herself to be a piece of crap in God's eyes. That she was truly unworthy to have God's love. That she had to work hard to get God's love, and I literally said out loud, that's effed up. That's just wrong. Hot on the heels of that I remembered something from the Catholic rite of mass. "Lord I am not worthy to receive you, but only say the word and I shall be healed..." Once again, I had a moment where I literally said, that's effed up. But that's where she's had it reinforced. The Catholic church teaches you from an early age that you are not worthy of God's love. One of the reasons I left religion and Catholicism behind was because of that mistaken belief that we are not worthy of God's love. The God I grew up with, the one that helped me through my early sexual abuse was a loving God. That thought I was the most precious and beautiful person. That I would always be loved. I was a rebel when I was five and heretic I guess. LOL. Anyways, it is clear to see that Mother Teresa's basic motivation for what she was doing was to earn God's love. It hasn't changed my opinion of how wonderful her work was, but it has given me an insight into why her work has not had a lasting effect upon the world as a whole.
As for the massacre of the American Indians, I think it is a case of humanity not wanting to see that part of themselves. That we are capable of such mass slaughters and not even bat an eye in response to it. Sadly, we repeat such behaviour over and over. World hunger, Aids, Rape as a weapon of war, the inability to deal with climate change, sexual slavery are just a few of the major issues today that we just won't deal with.
((Michael)) Thank you for your profound response. I see we share many feelings and intuitions about this theme, as well as some child-hood experiences which in fact perhaps in a way killed god for us in an early age (though I wasn't raised any religion but all the good that I believed in before, feeling safe and loved by "the world"- vanished and it constitutes the same). Yet there isn't a thing I would take away had I a chance to change it, in fact I treasure more that which was deeply disturbing cause like Osho always says- I WANT to disturb you, I want to shake you, I want to wake you up and make you think. "It's a bit like trying to encorporate our shadow sides into our psyche. It often has some really brutish almost nightmarish qualities to it until you start doing it on a regular basis." You put it perfectly! Wish I had time for a better response but a busy working week-end ahead. Hope you have a great week-end! Hugs! And much metta!
ReplyDeleteWell, I feel the same way Hille. A lot has happened to me, and its hard for people to understand that you wouldn't change what has happened to you. They look at you like you've lost your mind, but I just wouldn't be where I'm at if it hadn't happened to me. I'd have been this whole different person, and I like where I've ended. Even the profound loneliness I feel at time only makes the connections I do make all the more sweeter when they do happen. I hope you have a lovely work weekened. Hugs and much metta! Michael
ReplyDeleteWell Hille....I watched Aids Inc. tonight and it has left me pretty much numb and speechless. All of these documentaries seem to have a similar theme. The truth is far different than the perception that is sold to the public. I was quite stunned and just plain shocked at what was presented in this documentary. One thing sticks out and it is an issue are addressing by posting these videos, it is our own lack of information that sets us up to be taken advantage of. We all need to start digging harder for the truth and start pushing back against this manipulation by all levels of society. I literally had no idea that they had not separated the aids virus. That they were referring to it as a retrovirus with no proof of Aids even being a virus. The testing is shoddy, AZT is causing many of the deaths....Hard to watch these documentaries but necessary. Thanks for sharing them with us. Hugs, Blessings and Metta to you Hille.
ReplyDeleteThanks Hille for the Link, I'll check out his page. Hugs and Blessings Michael