May 22, 2009

All that will ever make sense

Sickened by sense, enraged by reason
Did we die when we were born
Did we abandon and undo the magic of being
Mindlessness is a game and all games are generated by players
You minx
So futile
Make-believe sand-castles on the ocean floor, hurricanes on moons and microphones
We put a veil on a shadow and trust a flickering hair on our heads to show us where the wind comes from and where it will go
Faith in the unfaithful will make you faithless
Head on a pillow makes a perfect match but only for the light-headed
Freedom loves ambiguity
Lies love the astute
Mesmerizing flies are disease-filled and fertile
To follow is to die, to swallow is to burn in desire and fake hope
Greyness is vast and solacing to most but not to the ones who are alive
Even love and truth are permeable to a smoky sexy voice
To hate is to fail to see
To fail to see is to believe that the world was created in seven days and only for humans
Only for mortals perfection is just a word
Are you a mortal
Are you sure
The conception of time makes perfection a word while our souls will rot in neglect
Pride will catch you and press your face against your own burning heart and infection of thought
Rectangular in shape and close to apology
Jesting in nature
Most unusually tragic
A formidable effort to hide
A recipe for release my arse
Throw it all up cause nothing lasts and everything is shot at constantly with guns and stupidity
All I want to do is to feel and to love and to see and to say
But what is there to say if nothing can be said that is true
Truth is meaningless to us is it not seen and tasted and sworn to by all
On a point of madness you can feel the click
You can see the future and it will scare you to death
Flowers from heaven sink into your brain as rabbits rise up from hell
But all I think is this
If the snakes from the unconscious mind shed their skin and roll over needles
If the birds devour their wings for the lack of worms in the ground and fall flat
And butterflies wake up for the second time and then die of depression
And we as humans get all our dreams that we ever dreamt and all the answers to questions we asked
Then the sun will rise and set and rise again
And no-one will be there taking pictures
The miracle has gone
And so has our heart
Let me be, let me lie in the utter hopelessness and I can learn how the world can be changed
Throw a stone in the fabric of life and watch the ripples unwind your very soul
And stop, for gods sakes stop
the winding of clock
it doesn't matter
don't give time a time of day
it will deceive you and confuse you and you know better
you are already better than you hope to become
To be human IS the perfect condition
To be at war with ourselves at all times means to be at peace with chaos
Though there is no proof of anything meaningful in life
Only words and conceptions and opinions and sermons
Only our hope in hopelessness
Belief in the unbelievable
Struggle in the mundane
And substitutes of love
For we know what love is and isn't
Isn't that the greatest gift
All the people in the streets are walking around with the hugest diamond in their pockets and they don't even realise
We die, we loose, we cry, we bruise
But we love, we still love
And always will
Stand still me heart for you rock my boat and I love it when you do
I love it when you kill me day by day
You kill me with your openness and capacity to love
Your vulnerability and trust in goodness unbound
So comfort yourself and wish upon a star
Cause you are one and so am I
May the mornings shine on the emblem of pain and solitude
All that will ever make sense is the chaos
And the screams of new-born children
They don't lie
They have no teeth to lie through

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